#CROSSBORDERCOOPERATION - webinar for Romanian and Ukrainian students

The #CROSSBORDERCOOPERATION webinar on cross-border cooperation and EC Day started on October 13 at 11:00. Students of USV and ONPU, representatives of the UNIV.E.R-U project team and a special guest from the Regional Bureau for Cross-Border Cooperation in Suceava were invited to the event.
The guest of the event, Cezar Grozavu, Executive Director of the Regional Office for Cross-Border Cooperation in Suceava, discussed with students the issue of cross-border cooperation and its importance in the development of partnerships and projects that improve life in the area.
Students were acquainted with the information resources of the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020, namely the website structure - https://ro-ua.net/ and the Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/ENI-CBC-Romania-Ukraine-2014 -2020-894715383990595 /.
In total, more than 65 participants joined the webinar, which became an excellent communication platform on the topic cross-border cooperation.