In order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, we inform that the activities that planned under the project "Educational University Romanian-Ukrainian Cross-Border Cooperation - UNIV.E.R-U" for the near future, in particular the Summer School in Odessa and the Winter School in Suceava, are postponed to a later date, which will be announced later. The project team made a decision to postpone or conduct online all planned international events for the current year, including internal meetings.


Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine 2014- 2020

Educational University Romanian-Ukrainian Cross-Border Cooperation - UNIV.E.R-U

Code EMS ENI 2SOFT/1.1/115

General information

Project description

The project "Educational University Romanian-Ukrainian Cross-Border Cooperation - UNIV.E.R-U" that the two partners propose, USV Suceava and ONPU Odessa, proves relevance to the programme area in terms of common challenges and opportunities addressed through the general and specific objectives intended to acquire. Therefore, the development and improvement of the Higher Education System in the programme area by cross-border cooperation in the direct benefit of Suceava and Odessa students, academic communities and Romanian/Ukrainian minorities, will further increase the capacity of the people in the two border communities to understand the world around them and to have a high adaptability to the nowadays increasing dynamic.


The main goal of the project is focused on providing and improving the mechanisms, methodologies, concepts and tools that may ensure sustainable bilateral cooperation of the leading universities in the program area (USV and ONPU). Successful implementation of this project will make a significant contribution to the implementation of the program indicators. Proceeding from the fact that both universities are harmoniously complementary, in this project they will expand their capabilities, thanks to the use of best practices. The creation and active work of contact centers will provide additional opportunities in research and training for the entire range of target groups.

Improving the communication and cooperation between academic/research staff from Romanian and Ukrainian universities in the programme area by creating sustainable channels for information exchange in the field of education during the project. The objective can be reached by activities of joint planning and joint development of educational strategies, exchanges of experience, transfer of good practices between institutions from both sides of the border for increasing the effectiveness of education and developing and applying innovative educational methods, also, through the activities of the two centers proposed to be created in each university.

To improve the two partner universities educational quality in relation with long term cross-border cooperation in higher education field by improving strategies and transfer of good practices until the end of the project.

The objective can be reached by activities developed for the first objective, namely, of joint planning and joint development of educational strategies, exchanges of experience, transfer of good practices between institutions from both sides of the border for increasing the effectiveness of education and developing and applying innovative educational methods; Moreover, the development and implementation of the partnership between the two education institutions from both sides of the border to encourage classes attendance and students involvement, also to develop extra-curricular activities that will become attractive long-term curricular activities will bring a significant benefit to this objective.

To promote the cross-border cooperation and mutual awareness between Romania and Ukraine by building long term cooperation structures and involvement of stakeholders until the end of the project.

The activities that will sustain this objective are focused on the joint work on the two universities strategies, on the transfer of good practices in all the meetings of the joint groups formed in the project, round table, conferences and the summer/winter schools organized in the two cross-border areas, Suceava and Odessa.

The target groups are similar on both sides of the border: USV and ONPU students, USV and ONPU academic / research staff, Romanians or Romanian-speakers from Ukraine and Ukrainians or Ukrainian-speakers from Romania, especially young people active - students or prospective students.

Project outputs /results

120 trained students in the framework of the project that will have skills improved to be more adequate for the labour market;
More than 10,000 students will be able to access information and assistance on opportunities to participate in bilateral cooperation, mobilities, research, additional training and so on, therefore, improved accessibility to different educational tools and programmes;
30 persons from academic/research staff will directly work on mechanisms, methodologies, curricula development, concepts and tools by experience exchange and transfer of good practices, therefore increasing the quality of education programmes available in the programme area;
The results of the work of the previous group will be disseminated to their colleagues, at least 700 persons hired as academic/research staff in the two universities, multiplying the effect of increasing the quality of education programmes available in the programme area on long-term basis;
Romanian/Ukrainian national minorities - on both sides of the border will have the opportunity of additional education in higher education institutions in their native language - at least 10 young people directly involved in the project, improving accessibility to education of these groups.
At least 15 universities from the program area will receive informational materials and manuals on possible cooperation in the field of education and introducing innovations in the program area.
At least 10 representatives of media and non-governmental organizations from Romania and Ukraine border area interested in the project activities that will receive and disseminate information about the project and/or can attend part of the activities (at least 5 from Ukraine and 5 from Romania), that will contribute to the improvement of the accessibility to education making information spread/available.


Cross-border cooperation in higher education. Overview of good practices in the field

"Cross-border cooperation in higher education. Overview of good": this book represents one of the results of the project „Educational University RomanianUkrainian Cross-Border Cooperation - UNIV.E.R-U=, Cod EMS ENI 2SOFT/1.1/115, implemented
by "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava together with Odessa National Polytechnic University. It brings together most of the team members efforts and envisages the promotion of cross-border cooperation idea in a cross-border multicultural frame through the higher education, meaning the academic staff, researchers and the students. 

Newsletter UNIV.E.R-U - 2023


The UNIV.E.R-U newsletter is a quarterly review of the activities of our Romanian-Ukrainian team within the “Stefan Cel Mare” University Suceava and Odessa National Polytechnic University to develop and improve the higher education system in the program area through cross-border cooperation for the direct benefit of students from Suceava and Odessa, academia and the Romanian / Ukrainian minorities.

Final Conference of the UNIV.E.R-U project


On January 26, 2023, as part of the implementation of the cross-border cooperation project UNIV.E.R-U code 2SOFT/1.1/115 between the National University "Odesa Polytechnic" and the University of Stefan Cel Mare Suceava, Romania, a final cross-border conference was held.

Humanitarian aid to target groups of the UNIVER-U project


Humanitarian aid in the form of individual survival kits is provided as part of the implementation of the UNIVER-U project to support the target groups of the UNIVER-U project in difficult wartime.

European Cooperation Day 2022 - Make the connection


European Cooperation Day is the annual celebration of cooperation and its achievements. This year the focus is on the European Year of Youth.

Activity will be carried out for students within the project's target group who have been involved in UNIV.E.R-U activities and will share their experiences from the Summer School, Winter School and other project activities with the first-year students.

Together they will have a coffee of cooperation and get to know each other better, so under CBC Center Staff coordination they will be able to carry out many other activities.

The International Student Conference "Cross-Border Cooperation. Experience and Perspectives" (15-16th of April)


The International Student Conference `Cross-Border Cooperation. Experience and Perspectives" in the framework of UNIVER-U Project was successfully held on 15-16 April 2022, almost two hundred participants took part, equally were students and academics from Ukrainian HEIs of Odessa region and from Suceava region of Romania.
Format of the Conference was online (for Ukrainian participants) and offline, were discussed main advantages, opportunities and obstacles of the cross-border cooperation issues. Materials of the conference are available on the project website.

Open Registration for the International Student Conference "Cross-Border Cooperation. Experience and Perspectives" (15-16th of April 2022)


The partners of the project "Romanian-Ukrainian Cross-Border University Educational Cooperation - UNIV.E.R-U", "Ștefan cel Mare" University of Suceava and Odessa National Polytechnic University, are inviting you to participate in the International Student Conference "Cross-Border Cooperation. Experience and Perspectives" (15-16th of April 2022). This event with cross-border impact aims to bring together students from various fields but interested in cross-border cooperation, mainly from the two partner universities.

Happy New Year 2022 and Merry Christmas


Christmas is just around the corner and an eventful year is coming to an end.
At the turn of the year, we wish you the peace to look inwards and forwards, so that you can take the courage to make the right decisions in the new year with renewed strength.

We wish you, your relatives a peaceful Christmas and health, satisfaction and success for the New Year!

Issue №5 of the quarterly newsletter "UNIV.E.R-U"

UNIV.E.R-U project team offers you issue №5 of the quarterly newsletter.

18th October - start of the 2nd session of the Summer School UNIV.E.R-U


In October 18, 2021, the 2nd session of International Summer School was opened in Odessa.

Romanian language courses in the OPSU


The Romanian Language Lectorate of the Ștefan cel Mare University within the Odessa Polytechnic  State University organizes Romanian language courses (levels A1 and A2) in the school year 2021-2022.

International Summer School UNIV.E.R-U in Odessa


From September 6 to 10, 2021, the International Summer School was held in Odessa within the project Educational University of Romanian-Ukrainian Cross-Border Cooperation - UNIV.E.R-U (EMC code ENI 2SOFT / 1.1 / 115). The event was organized by the team of Odessa Polytechnic State University in partnership with the leading project partner of the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava with the financial support of the Joint Operational Program Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020.

Start of the International Summer School in Odessa


On September 6, 2021, the International Summer School was opened in Odessa

Update the date of the Summer School


The 1st session of the Summer school was canceled due to administrative issues with the organization of the UNIVER-U Summer School
All participants of the 1st session were automatically registered to participate in the 3rd session

Issue №4 of the quarterly newsletter "UNIV.E.R-U" (June 2021)


UNIV.E.R-U project team offers you issue №4 of the quarterly newsletter.


The UNIV.E.R-U team announces the launch of the selection call for participation in Odessa Summer School. 

Happy Easter!


We wish you and your family a renewal of life, love and happiness.
We hope that this Easter holiday will fill your home with peace, joy and lots of colorful Easter eggs.
Happy Easter!

Best regards, UNIV.E.R-U project team

We joined to Newsletter by ENI CBC Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020


You can read updated figures about ENI CBC Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020 projects, some interesting facts from the first project which ended its activities and how students in Romania and Ukraine interact via cooperation projects!

Students feedback about Winter School

Read the reviews and experiences of participants of the Winter School

Start of the International Winter School [CON]ACTION-Student convention on cross border action

On March 15, 2021, the Winter School [CON]ACTION-Student convention on cross border action within the framework of the UNIV.E.R-U project started.

The selection of participants for the Winter School 2021 continues

On February 18, 2021, specialists of the Romanian-Ukrainian Center for Border Cooperation met with students on the topic of the Winter School and the participation of ONPU in international projects and programs.


UNIV. E. R. - U team announces the launch of the selection call for participation at the Winter School

Issue №3 of the quarterly newsletter "UNIV.E.R-U" (February 2021)


UNIV.E.R-U project team offers you issue №3 of the quarterly newsletter.

Happy New Year 2021 and Merry Christmas


Happy Holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year 2021!

The project team UNIV.E.R-U wishes you peace, joy and prosperity throughout the coming year.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership.
With warm and friendly wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Bright and Happy New Year!  

"Beyond the borders: words from images" - celebration of the European Cooperation Day


The UNIV.E.R-U project team with the participation of students and academics from the “Stefan Cel Mare” University Suceava and Odessa National Polytechnic University joined the celebration of the European Day 2020 (EC Day) in October.

Issue №2 of the quarterly newsletter "UNIV.E.R-U" (October 2020)


UNIV.E.R-U project team offers you issue №2 of the quarterly newsletter.

#CROSSBORDERCOOPERATION - webinar for Romanian and Ukrainian students


The #CROSSBORDERCOOPERATION webinar on cross-border cooperation and EC Day started on October 13 at 11:00. Students of  USV and ONPU, representatives of the UNIV.E.R-U project team and a special guest from the Regional Bureau for Cross-Border Cooperation in Suceava were invited to the event.

European Cooperation Day 2020 - 30 years together


European Cooperation Day (ECDay) is celebrated throughout Europe and the border regions on September 21. On this day and in the period closest to this date, joint events and information campaigns are held in the EU border areas in order to celebrate the achievements of joint European projects and highlight the changes for the better that have been achieved thanks to these projects.

Issue №1 of the quarterly newsletter "UNIV.E.R-U" (June 2020)


UNIV.E.R-U project team offers you the first issue of the quarterly newsletter.

1st press conference in Odessa


On February 26, 2020, a press conference was held in Odessa to launch the project of cross border cooperation Ukraine and Romania “Educational University of Romanian-Ukrainian Cross border Cooperation - UNIV.E.R-U” No. 2SOFT1.1.115.

New Opportunities for Romanian-Ukrainian Cross-border Cooperation


The joint project “Educational University of Romanian-Ukrainian Cross-border Cooperation - UNIV.E.R-U” No. 2SOFT1.1.115, launched on January 2, 2020, provided a powerful impetus for the cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and Romania.

Partners & Funders
