European Cooperation Day 2020 - 30 years together

European Cooperation Day takes place annually across Europe on 21 September and the surrounding weeks. This initiative started in 2011 and it was a success amongst the territorial cooperation programmes across the EU.
The European Cooperation Day is celebrated in around 40 countries. ‘Sharing borders, growing closer’ is the motto for the celebration of this spirit of cooperation throughout Europe and beyond.
European Cooperation Day shows the benefits of cooperation among regions by highlighting how projects co-funded by the European Union have helped improve people’s lives along the many borders within Europe and beyond.
Everybody can join this celebration. In September, many events are organised in different regions of Europe in order to commemorate the benefits of cooperation: film festivals, concerts, running races, local markets, gastronomic fairs… and more! This year due to the pandemic things change a little. Most activities will be conducted online and by disseminating social networks.
All the events organized to celebrate ECDay can be found on website: