Educational University Romanian-Ukrainian Cross-Border Cooperation –UNIV.E.R-U

Project description
The project "Educational University Romanian-Ukrainian Cross-Border Cooperation - UNIV.E.R-U" that the two partners propose, USV Suceava and ONPU Odessa, proves relevance to the programme area in terms of common challenges and opportunities addressed through the general and specific objectives intended to acquire. Therefore, the development and improvement of the Higher Education System in the programme area by cross-border cooperation in the direct benefit of Suceava and Odessa students, academic communities and Romanian/Ukrainian minorities, will further increase the capacity of the people in the two border communities to understand the world around them and to have a high adaptability to the nowadays increasing dynamic.
Implementation period — 18 months
Project budget: € 328 743
The main goal of the project is focused on providing and improving the mechanisms, methodologies, concepts and tools that may ensure sustainable bilateral cooperation of the leading universities in the program area (USV and ONPU). Successful implementation of this project will make a significant contribution to the implementation of the program indicators. Proceeding from the fact that both universities are harmoniously complementary, in this project they will expand their capabilities, thanks to the use of best practices. The creation and active work of contact centers will provide additional opportunities in research and training for the entire range of target groups.
Specific objectives
- Improving the communication and cooperation between academic/research staff from Romanian and Ukrainian universities in the programme area by creating sustainable channels for information exchange in the field of education during the project. (more) The objective can be reached by activities of joint planning and joint development of educational strategies, exchanges of experience, transfer of good practices between institutions from both sides of the border for increasing the effectiveness of education and developing and applying innovative educational methods, also, through the activities of the two centers proposed to be created in each university.
- To improve the two partner universities educational quality in relation with long term cross-border cooperation in higher education field by improving strategies and transfer of good practices until the end of the project. The objective can be reached by activities developed for the first objective, namely, of joint planning and joint development of educational strategies, exchanges of experience, transfer of good practices between institutions from both sides of the border for increasing the effectiveness of education and developing and applying innovative educational methods; Moreover, the development and implementation of the partnership between the two education institutions from both sides of the border to encourage classes attendance and students involvement, also to develop extra-curricular activities that will become attractive long-term curricular activities will bring a significant benefit to this objective.
- To promote the cross-border cooperation and mutual awareness between Romania and Ukraine by building long term cooperation structures and involvement of stakeholders until the end of the project. (more) The activities that will sustain this objective are focused on the joint work on the two universities strategies, on the transfer of good practices in all the meetings of the joint groups formed in the project, round table, conferences and the summer/winter schools organized in the two cross-border areas, Suceava and Odessa."
Target groups
The target groups are similar on both sides of the border: USV and ONPU students, USV and ONPU academic / research staff, Romanians or Romanian-speakers from Ukraine and Ukrainians or Ukrainian-speakers from Romania, especially young people active - students or prospective students."
Project outputs /results
- 120 trained students in the framework of the project that will have skills improved to be more adequate for the labour market;
- more than 10,000 students will be able to access information and assistance on opportunities to participate in bilateral cooperation, mobilities, research, additional training and so on, therefore, improved accessibility to different educational tools and programmes;
- 30 persons from academic/research staff will directly work on mechanisms, methodologies, curricula development, concepts and tools by experience exchange and transfer of good practices, therefore increasing the quality of education programmes available in the programme area;
- the results of the work of the previous group will be disseminated to their colleagues, at least 700 persons hired as academic/research staff in the two universities, multiplying the effect of increasing the quality of education programmes available in the programme area on long-term basis;
- Romanian/Ukrainian national minorities - on both sides of the border will have the opportunity of additional education in higher education institutions in their native language - at least 10 young people directly involved in the project, improving accessibility to education of these groups.
- at least 15 universities from the program area will receive informational materials and manuals on possible cooperation in the field of education and introducing innovations in the program area.
- at least 10 representatives of media and non-governmental organizations from Romania and Ukraine border area interested in the project activities that will receive and disseminate information about the project and/or can attend part of the activities (at least 5 from Ukraine and 5 from Romania), that will contribute to the improvement of the accessibility to education making information spread/available.