Issue №2 of the quarterly newsletter "UNIV.E.R-U" (October 2020)

The UNIV.E.R-U newsletter is a quarterly review of the activities of our Romanian-Ukrainian team within the “Stefan Cel Mare” University Suceava and Odessa National Polytechnic University to develop and improve the higher education system in the program area through cross-border cooperation for the direct benefit of students from Suceava and Odessa, academia and the Romanian / Ukrainian minorities.
Newsletter UNIV.E.R-U (2/2020 – October):
News UNIV.E.R-U:
- Transfer of the course “Cross-border cooperation Programs and Structures in the XXI Century“ to ONPU
- CBC centers in Odessa and Suceava
Publishing Opportunities
- III International scientific-practical conference in Odessa
- “Codrul Cosminului” academic journal
- European Cooperation Day 2020
- Suceava Winter School
Here's a link for ro-eng and ukr-eng version of newsletter "UNIV.E.R-U":