Issue №3 of the quarterly newsletter "UNIV.E.R-U" (February 2021)

The UNIV.E.R-U newsletter is a quarterly review of the activities of our Romanian-Ukrainian team within the “Stefan Cel Mare” University Suceava and Odessa National Polytechnic University to develop and improve the higher education system in the program area through cross-border cooperation for the direct benefit of students from Suceava and Odessa, academia and the Romanian / Ukrainian minorities.
Newsletter UNIV.E.R-U (3/2021 – February):
- [CON]ACTION - student convention on cross border action
- Study on awareness and knowledge of the partner country, region and university and the potential for cooperation
- The activity of the Romanian Language Lectorate of “Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava from Odessa
- International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Management and Socio-Economic Aspects of the Development of the State, Regions and Business Entities in the Conditions of Transforming Public Governance" organized by ONPU
Research Opportunities:
- Call for papers on border areas and cross-border relations: 2021 Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association
- Call for papers at the 29th annual NISPAcee Conference "Engaging and Empowering Citizens - The Age of Collaborative Innovation in Government"
- Call for participation in the International Scientific- Practical Conference for students, graduates and young scientists Media communication and information activities as components of modern social systems
- Call for participation in the 6th edition of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (online): Management of innovative development at macro, meso and micro levels
Here's a link for ro-eng and ukr-eng version of newsletter "UNIV.E.R-U":